Start with HAQQ for better Entertainment

Mr. Lonnie Perry, owner and operator of (aka) Naji Abdullah Perry artist, and author. The site was established 10 years ago. Since I was 7 years old, I knew what I wanted to do in life. Create cartoons and make animation and art. I wanted to be another Disney. I did all the things to get me there where I am today. I studied art in school and went to Art school too. I even took it in up in college. I always wanted to tell a story that has a good clean entertainment for the whole family.
One thing that really shines with is fresh and clean ideas put down on paper and digital screen to tell a really good story that entertains. I hope you enjoy it too. I stand behind my work on this site and have copyrights to them in the USA library of Congress.
Start with a small
Tour around the website and see what you can learn about us though videos and artwork